

my life these days. geesh.

think learning by osmosis will really work?



fact. if only this was true.

instead i get fatter from ben and jerrys and red wine. o life choices, how you are ruining me.



Technology at its best... FaceTime connecting me back to Auburn. How did people survive before this?!
I had a great mini-reunion with some of my Auburn Engineering faves early this morning. How great it is to catch some of the comforts of home from so far away! And, I will forgive the certain individual I was talking to for letting me see all those visitors in my "natural" state.. aka sweats ready for bed.



"Birthdays are nature's way of telling us to eat more cake!" -Unknown

Cake or wine.. it's close to the same, right? Tonight, I am celebrating reaching a quarter-century with a celebratory glass of red wine in my favorite wine glass and a sweet chick flick. Twenty-five sure seemed more exciting back when I was eighteen or even twenty. Now, it means I am half way to fifty, the oldest of the single sisters, and hopefully (emphasis on the hope) one year closer to whatever it is I am supposed to be doing with the rest of my life.

After another year here in the land of the Rising Sun, I am thankful for all of the opportunities I have had since I celebrated two-four in a small, Asian, Mexican restaurant. I have visited all over this part of the world, made some new friends here and back in America, met a sweet boy, realized an old dream, and had the best visitors ever last week. I have lots of great things to smile about and realize what a sweet birthday this quarter-century one really is. Though, I must confess I am much looking forward to celebrating two-six back at home with someone i love.

I hope your wish still comes true if you make it over wine instead of cake! :)


baby 2.

An update on Sweet baby Eve. She is home with Mommy and Daddy and absolutely precious! And, Eve obviously loves her accessories - a girl after my own heart! I cannot wait to be home to see Eve and her Mommy.



Ron and Sarah came aaaaalllllll the way to Japan!!

This was the BEST early birthday present ever! We spent a week exploring every single form of public transportation, sweat our weight's worth walking up an island, saw Buddha, and even took a water taxi! I love when I have visitors and have an excuse to take a few days away from my Navy life to go out and see some of this crazy country I live in. During a very busy week, we had Thai, Peruvian, Italian, and American food all over Japan with quite amazing views. We went on a relentless search for the imperial palace, walked some, and also toured the glorious hunk of metal named eighty-five.

Fuji even gave us the privilege of showing itself through the haze with some glorious views from Midtown. Sarah and I got in some great Asain shopping, and Ron discovered the wine selection at Japanese grocery stores. The best was the amazing view of the nighttime Tokyo skyline seen from way up high in the Ritz. Tea time of course was good too!

I am so thankful to have such a wonderful family who loves me enough to add to the bucket list just for me. :)



My sister and her husband have welcomed baby Eve to the world!

Congratulations to the new parents! I love you all dearly and can't wait to be home to see you.


 Stumbled upon this today. I think this about sums it all up. Life is scary and messy and downright terrifying at times, but is there really any other option than to go for it? 

So today is a reminder to give it all for the chance to achieve a dream, fall in love, reach the finish line, and take on life...