

Every shopping experience in Japan is quite the adventure... I cannot read any of the signs, am forced to attempt currency conversions in my head, and cannot ask for help due to previously mentioned language barrier.

This past week I took the plunge and purchased furniture... this was probably the largest purchase I have made up to this point. I went into a Japanese furniture store with the intent to buy a bed and a couch. I walked out of a Japanese furniture store with an entire apartment's worth of furniture. It took over an hour, but I did it. After searching the store for what I wanted, walking an employee around pointing at every single piece to ensure I had the correct tag, and deciphering the yen to dollar rate in my head... I am became the owner of my very own, first adult-purchased furniture. Being a grownup (or attempting as much) is fun but sure expensive sometimes. Despite the shakes I encountered when handing my debit card across the counter, I am thrilled to have made the purchase and am ready to have a livable, furnished apartment!

Delivery in a few weeks.... pictures to come!


who says.

Who says I can’t be free?
From all of the things that I used to be
Re-write my history
Who says I can’t be free?
Just me. That's all I want to be... and who says that's not enough? Who says that I cannot recreate me and take the world on with no regrets and no guilt for wanting nothing more than to go out and discover who it is that I was meant to be? Who says that I have to live up to someone else's idea of who I should be?

Someone asked me yesterday why I was so concerned with being just who someone else expected... I couldn't give an answer. I realized it isn't about proving myself to someone else....it's about finding myself. It's about figuring out what makes me happy and feel whole inside. Everyday is a challenge but definitely a great adventure. I have the opportunity of a lifetime.... equally terrifying and thrilling. Never in my life have I learned so much about what I can carry... and this is only the beginning...