

As I have been packing for the last few hours, I realized just how many bags I really have. I have way too much stuff and in true fashion still think that I have no proper suitcase and nothing to wear over the next two weeks... so typical, right?

The funny thing about packing is that you tend to dig up things you thought you had long since lost... you dig up things from the last trip you took, the trip before that, and even long before that one. All those things I thought I had buried way back out of sight in the closet seemed to have a way of falling out in front once I grabbed the first bag.

It seems like that is so similar to my life some days. Today, I had someone tell me something that I hadn't seen in myself even when looking. I thought I had buried this emotion away, way back somewhere I would never have to see it again. When I least suspected it, this just jumped out and grabbed me before I even knew it had happened. Maybe I am finally learning that no matter how far away I go (because I think I have gotten about as far away as possible), my past and where I come from will still be a part of me. I can't change that, but I can change how I take it forward. This doesn't have to be a bad thing I don't think, just another chance to learn about me and who I want to be....when and if I do decide to become a grownup. :)


bright lights.

 And here I was beginning to think that my Japanese friends didn't like Christmas lights!

 My wonderful Japanese friend, Saito, took me to see this Kindergarten school house on Christmas night. It was the most spectacularly lit building I have seen all year.... though my standard aren't that high. None of my neighbors have lights twinkling on their balconies like mine. However, walking all around this bulding, taking in the sight made me smile and feeling a little closer to the Christmas I am used to.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Mine will be complete in  week when I am really home. For now, I will keep enjoying the lights!



"Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love!"  ~Hamilton Wright Mabie

Christmas is my favorite time of year. I love everything about it. I love lights, trees, fireplace fires, bell ringers at the mall, and egg nog. Even my favorite movie is about christmas time, love actually. I think people are kinder and remember the good in the world a little more at christmas. 

However, it became a little tougher to remember all my favorite things from the other side of the world this year. It was really tough to wake up somewhere other than my parents' house this morning. Nothing screams adulthood and responsibility more than having to be away from your family on Christmas. I realize tons of people do this every year, but this was a first for me.... and definitely not something I look forward to repeating. It was quite a lonely feeling. Even with my friends here around me, who I am so thankful for, I would love nothing more than to be with my crazy loud family tonight.

But even a million miles away, I feel so blessed on Christmas. I have amazing friends and a family who loves me whether I am close by or not. Thank goodness for them and skype. With that combination I will never really be alone. 

It's almost like I can be there to open presents with my sisters and favorite nephew (on his first christmas) even from Japan!

merry christmas.


wedding bells.

Today, (well yesterday at home) my sweet sister, Amy, got married!

I was so sad to be on the other side of the world, but thanks to wonderful technology, I got to see her just before the wedding began. She looked amazing, of course! 

I wish so badly that I could have been with you on your special day but know that I am loving you and wish nothing but the absolute best for you and chris!



I CANNOT wait to see these two crazy girls in ONE WEEK!

The three of us could not be more different and could not have had more different paths over the past year... austin, chicago, and japan... But I cannot not think of any better dates to ring in 2012 with. We have all taken on so much and grown up so much in the past year. I can't wait to celebrate the start of another great year with two of my wonderful sisters!

love you crazy girls.  :)



“Mankind is a great, an immense family… This is proved by what we feel in our hearts at Christmas.”
~Pope John Paul XXIII 



Isn't this what we all hope for? A special someone you like so much that you want matching plastic-like riding suits!



the train proved to just be too much for this fella....

and those sitting near him? couldn't be the least bit concerned.



who will win... me or the wrapping paper??

merry (early) christmas!



and more tacky christmas comes to my japanese pad :)

is it bad that i get so excited by glitter??

note: this is the only wreath on the whole building.


christmas in a cup.

this. was. magical.

peppermint ice cream with pop rocks in it.... genius!

it is the little things in life, right??


stepping stone.

Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though sometimes it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grieves which we endure help us in our marching onward.
Henry Ford