

 Last weekend I spent a day in Tokyo with some friends. In the heart of one of the largest cities in the world, you find the beautiful grounds of the imperial palace. It was amazing to me to see the massive park of green grass and bonzai-like trees that lead up to the palace. We visited late in the day when it was very quiet on the grounds. It was incredible to see how you can find peace amongst all the chaos of the city.

 The peace I felt there was not unlike my life these days. I run around like crazy pretending like I semi have it together most of the day.... On occasion I will make my way topside or take my time walking home at sunset, and in those moments I find my peace. The quiet reflection in just those few moments can bring such peace and comfort amidst all the stress of the day.

I am learning how much the little things mean and just how much I can survive on my own. Sometimes the "me time" I never before desired is what returns my sanity at the end of the day.... it's during these moments that I think back on the day about all the opportunities and blessings that fill my life and make it all so worthwhile...

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